Walle & Dukes (2023) challenge researchers to think again about valence.
Dukes, Abrams et al (2021) highlights affectivsim as a new approach and, perhaps, a new era.
Treichel et al (2022) takes an experimental look at humour in neurodevelopmental disorders.
Dukes, D., Audrin, C., Clément, F., & Mortillaro, M. (in press). Comparing competing characterizations suggests there might be more than one type of interest. Scientific Reports.
Dukes, D. & Sander, D. (in press). Affectivism and the emotional elephant: How a componential approach can reconcile opposing theories to serve the future of affective sciences. Affective Science.
Fares-Otero, N.E., Sharp, T., Balle, S.R., Quaatz, S.M., Vieta, E., Åhs, F., Allgaier, A-K., Arévalo, A., Bachem, R., Belete, H., Belete, T., Berengi, A., Capraz, N., Ceylan, D., Dukes, D… , Pfaltz, M.C., Halligan, S.L. (in press). Social support and (complex) post-traumatic stress symptom severity: does gender matter? European Journal of Psychotraumatology.
Sopp, R., Haim-Nachum, S., Lüönd, A., Afzal, N., Åhs, F., Allgaier, A-K., Arévalo, A., Asongwe, C., Bachem, R., Balle, S., Belete, H., Belete, T., Berzengi, A., Capraz, N., Ceylan, D., Dukes, D., Essadek, A., Fares-Otero, N., Halligan, S., … Spies, G. & Pfalt, M. (in press). Childhood maltreatment is linked to larger preferred interpersonal distances towards friends and strangers across the globe. Translational Psychiatry.
Stussi, Y., Dukes, D., & Sander, D. (in press). Commentary: The added value of affective processes for models of human cognition and learning. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Zhukov, V., Petersen, A.M., Dukes, D., Sander, D., Tsiamyrtzis, P., & Pavlidis, I. (in press). Science convergence in affective research is associated with impactful multidisciplinary appeal rather than multidisciplinary content. Communications Psychology.
Di Poi, G., Dukes, D., Meuleman, B., Banta Lavenex, P., Lavanex, P., Papon, A., Tran, M., Stallmann, L., Treichel, N., & Samson, A. (2023). Anxiety in families of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland. Frontiers in Education, 8.
Martínez-Castilla P, Campos R, Samson AC, Van Herwegen J, & Dukes D. (2023). Perceived Anxiety in Family Caregivers of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome and Williams Syndrome during the Lockdown of the First COVID-19 Wave in Spain. Actas Espanolas de Psiquiatria. 51(2), 56-64. PMID: 37218100.
Sideropoulos, V., Kye, H., Dukes, D. et al. (2023). Anxiety and Worries of Individuals with Down Syndrome During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study in the UK. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 53, 2021–2036.
Sideropoulos, V., Van Herwegen, J., Meuleman, B., Alessandri, M., Alnemary, F. M., Rad, J. A., Lavenex, P. A. B., Bolshakov, N., Bölte, S., Buffle, P., Cai, R. Y., Campos, R., Chirita-Emandi, A., Costa, A. P., Costanzo, F., Des Portes, V., Dukes, D., Faivre, L., Famelart, N., Fisher, M. H., … Samson, A. C. (2023). Anxiety, concerns and COVID-19: Cross-country perspectives from families and individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions. Journal of Global Health, 13, 04081.
Stallmann, L., Tran, M., Rudrauf, D., Dukes, D.,* & Samson, A.C.* (2023). Simulating social emotion regulation in Virtual Reality: Effect of virtual social support following ostracism in a Cyberball game. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET). 18(07), 4–27.
Treichel, N., Dukes, D., Barisnikov, K., & Samson, A. C. (2023). Appreciation of Slapstick Humour and Expressivity in Response to Amusing Stimuli in Individuals with Williams Syndrome. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (2023).
Treichel, N., Dukes, D., Meuleman, B., Van Herwegen, J., & Samson, A. C. (2023). “Not in the mood”: The fear of being laughed at is better predicted by humor temperament traits than diagnosis in neurodevelopmental conditions. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 137, 104513.
Walle, E. A., & Dukes, D. (2023). We (Still!) Need to Talk About Valence: Contemporary Issues and Recommendations for Affective Science. Affective Science, 1-7.
Wang, F., Memis, I., Durocher, J. S., Furar, E., Cavalcante, L., Eshraghi, R. S., … Dukes, D., … & Eshraghi, A. A. (2023). Efficacy of coping mechanisms used during COVID-19 as reported by parents of children with autism. Plos one, 18(4), e0283494.
Furar, E., Wang, F., Duricher, J. S., Ahn, Y. A., Memis, I., Cavalcante, L., … Eshraghi, A. A. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on individuals with ASD in the US: parent perspectives on social and support concerns. PLOS ONE. 17(8): e0270845.
Pfaltz, M., Halligan, S., Haim-Nachum, S., Sopp, R., Åhs, F., Bachem, R., … Seedat, S. (2022). Social functioning in individuals affected by childhood maltreatment: establishing a research agenda to inform interventions. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics,91(4), 238–251.
Sideropoulos, V., Kye, H., Dukes, D. et al. (2022). Anxiety and Worries of Individuals with Down Syndrome During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study in the UK. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Samson, A.C.,* Sokhn, N., Van Herwegen, J., & Dukes, D. (in press). An exploratory study on emotion regulation strategy use in individuals with Williams syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13,
Stallmann, L., Dukes, D., Tran, M., Durand de Gevigney, V., Rudrauf, D., & Samson, A. C. (2022). Socially supported by an embodied agent: The development of a virtual-reality paradigm to study social emotion regulation. Frontiers in Virtual Reality.
Treichel, N., Dukes, D., Barisnikov, K., & Samson, A.C. (2022). How cognitive, social, and emotional profiles impact humor appreciation: Sense of humor in autism spectrum disorder and Williams syndrome. Humor: International Journal of Humour Research. 35, (1), 113-133.
Di Poi, G., Dukes, D. Tran, M., & Samson, A. C. (2021). Comment les familles d’enfants avec besoins éducatifs particuliers ont vécu la crise de la COVID-19 : Observations préliminaires pour la Suisse. [How families with children with special educational needs experienced the Covid-19 crisis: preliminary observations for Switzerland]. Revue suisse de pédagogie spécialisée. 1, 9-18.
Dukes, D.*, Abrams, K., Adolphs, R., Ahmed, M. E., Beatty, A., Berridge, K. C., Broomhall, S., Brosch, T., Campos, J. J., Clay, Z., Clément, F., Cunningham, W. A., Damasio, A., Damasio, H., D’Arms, J. Davidson, J. W., de Gelder, B., Deonna, J., de Sousa, R.,… Sander, D.* (2021). The rise of affectivism, Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 816-820.
Dukes, D. et Audrin, C. (2021). Émotions positives à l’école : quel intérêt ? [Positive emotions at school: where is the interest?]. Educateur (L)’, 4, 4-5.
Dukes, D., & Samson, A. C. (2021). COVID-19 : Donnons la parole aux parents d’enfants avec des besoins éducatifs particuliers [COVID-19: giving voice to the parents of children with special educational needs]. Pages romandes : Revue sur la pédagogie spécialisée les déficiences intellectuelles et développementales. 3, 28-31.
Gruber, T*., Bazhydai, M., Sievers, C., Clément., F., & Dukes, D.* (2021). The ABC of social learning: Affect, Behaviour and Cognition. Psychological Review.
Penic, S., Dukes, D., Elcheroth, G., Jayakody, S., & Sander, D. (2021). Beyond personal empathy: Perceiving inclusive empathy as socially shared predicts support for transitional justice mechanisms. Affective Science.
Prosetzky, I., Poustka, L., Dukes, D., & Samson, A. C. (2021). Eine internationale Studie zu Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf Familien mit einem behinderten Kind: Wie ging es den Familien in Deutschland? Ein Bericht [An international study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on families with a child with special educational needs: How did German families fare? A report]. Teilhabe, 60, 2, 88–89.
Samson, A. C., Di Poi, G., Tran, M., & Dukes, D. (2021). Die Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie in der Schweiz: Erste Beobachtungen bei Familien mit Kindern sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf [The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland: First observations in families with children with special educational needs]. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, 27(5-6), 18-25.
Sideropoulos, V., Dukes, D., Hanley, M., Palikara, O., Rhodes, S., Samson, A.C., & Van Herwegen, J. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on anxiety and worries for families of individuals with Special Education Needs and Disabilities in the UK. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52, 2656–2669.
Su, X., Cai, R.Y., Uljarević, M., Van Herwegen, J., Dukes, D., Yang Y., Peng X., & Samson, A.C. (2021). Brief report: A cross-sectional study of anxiety levels and concerns of Chinese families of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities post-first-wave of COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1614.
Wharton, T., Bonard, C., Dukes., D., Sander, D & Oswald, S. (2021). Relevance and emotion. Journal of Pragmatics, 181, 259-269.
Zaharia, A., Noir-Kahlo, K., Bressoud, N., Sander, D., Dukes, D. & Samson, A. (2021). Proof of Concept: A brief psycho-educational training program to increase the use of positive emotion regulation strategies in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Psychology. 12,
Clément, F., & Dukes, D. (2020). Affective Social Learning serves as a quick and flexible complement to TTOM. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 43.
Reschke, P. Walle, E., & Dukes, D. (2020). Did you mean to do that? Infants use emotional communication to infer and re-enact others’ intended actions. Cognition & Emotion.
Samson, A., Van den Bedem, N.P., Dukes, D., & Rieffe, C. (2020). Positive Aspects of Emotional Competences in Preventing Internalizing Symptoms in Children with and without Developmental Language Disorder: A Longitudinal Approach. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50(4), 1159-1171.
Dukes, D. (2018). Apprentissage social affectif et appréciation de l’émotion : structuration des interactions socio-émotionnelles [Affective social learning and emotional appreciation: Structuring socio-emotional interactions]. Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique (TRaNeL), 68, 79-86.
Mortillaro, M., & Dukes, D. (2018). Jumping for joy: The importance of the body and of dynamics in the expression and recognition of positive emotions. Frontiers in Psychology, 9.
Clément, F., & Dukes, D. (2017). Social appraisal and social referencing: Two components of affective social learning. Emotion Review, 9(3), 253-261.
Dukes, D., & Clément, F. (2017). Author reply: Clarifying the importance of ostensive communication in life-long, affective social learning. Emotion Review, 9(3), 267-269.
Dukes, D., Clément, F., Audrin, C., & Mortillaro, M. (2017). Looking beyond the static face in emotion recognition: the informative case of interest. Visual Cognition, 25(4-6), 575-588.
Reschke, P. J., Walle, E. A., & Dukes, D. (2017). Interpersonal development in infancy: The interconnectedness of emotion understanding and social cognition. Child Development Perspectives, 11(3), 178-183.
Clément, F.,* & Dukes, D.* (2013). The role of interest in the transmission of social values. Frontiers in Psychology, 4.
Schaer, M., Ottet, M. C., Scariati, E., Dukes, D., Franchini, M., Eliez, S., & Glaser, B. (2013). Decreased frontal gyrification correlates with altered connectivity in children with autism. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7.
Glaser, B., Lothe, A., Chabloz, M., Dukes, D., Pasca, C., Redoute, J., & Eliez, S. (2012). Candidate socioemotional remediation program for individuals with intellectual disability. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 117(5), 368-383.