swiss center for affective sciences, university of geneva

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OUT NOW: The OUP Handbook of Emotional Development

Thanks to all the fantastic chapter authors, the brilliant staff at OUP and, of course, my wonderful co-editors, Andrea Samson & Eric Walle, for devoting so much time and effort to this project. Ask your librarian to order a copy… Continue Reading →

ASL volume – Now out in paperback

Yes, Foundations of Affective Social Learning (CUP) edited with Fabrice Clément is now out in paperback. If you would like a 20% discount on the paperback price, please get in contact.

New pre-print

In a new paper headed by the team of Jo Van Herwegen, we look at the anxiety and worries of UK based individuals with Down’s syndrome in the first few months of COVID19.

New paper accepted in “Affective Science”

In a paper to be published in Affective Science, Sandra Penic first authors a paper showing that the empathy we perceive in others in our community can predict support for conflict transforming transitional justice over and above personal empathy. The… Continue Reading →

New paper accepted in “Humor”

Congratulations to Noémie Treichel (ChEERS Lab, UniFR) for having her first paper accepted! The paper, which concerns sense of humor in autism spectrum disorder and Williams syndrome, will be published soon in Humor: The International Journal of Humor Research. What… Continue Reading →

New pre-print

The first concrete output of part of a global collaboration on traumatic stress. This pre-print is led by Prof. Monique Pfaltz (mid Sweden University) and summarizes evidence for the detrimental effects of child matreatment on social functioning and presents key… Continue Reading →

Paper accepted in “Frontiers in Psychology”

In a proof of concept paper published in Frontiers of Psychology and led by Alexandra Zaharia of the chEERS Lab, we tested the practical potential and report the preliminary effects of a brief novel psycho-educational training program on positive emotion… Continue Reading →

New paper accepted in “Frontiers”

In another paper to come from the COVID project I run as CO-PI with Jo Van Herwegen and Andrea Samson, Xueyun Su and Ru Ying Cai lead on a paper published in Frontiers in Psychiatry that concerns anxiety in families… Continue Reading →

New paper accepted in “JADD”

In a paper led by Vassilis Sideropoulos and Jo Van Herwegen we examine anxiety and worries during the first UK national lockdown of COVID-19 in individuals with Special Education Needs and Disabilities. Published in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

New paper accepted in “NHB”

Our paper on “The rise of affectivism” is now available online at Nature Human Behaviour. The paper documents the pervasive and increasing impact of research on emotion and other related affective processes suggesting a new approach in academia. It asks… Continue Reading →

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