Oral Presentations
Idil, M., Eshraghi, E.A., Alessandri, M., Dukes, D., Samson, A. C. & Van Herwegen, J. (2022, March 24-26). [Oral presentation] The impact of COVID-19 on individuals with ASD in the US: Parent perspectives on social and support concerns. Inaugural Psychiatry Summit 2022 Live Virtual Event.
Treichel, N., Dukes, D., Meuleman, B., Van Herwegen, J., & Samson, A. C. (2022, June 29 – July 2). [Oral presentation] Humor and laughter in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and Williams syndrome. 32nd International Society of Humor Studies Conference (ISHS), Bertinoro, Italy.
Dukes, D. (2021, December 10-11). Two examples of the explanatory power of emotions. [Invited Keynote.] Workshop on Situated Affectivity and Social Understanding organized by the Research Training Group “Situated Cognition” at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. https://situated-cognition.com/
Dukes, D. (2021, July 26-29). Affective social learning: finding a place for affect in social learning. [Invited presentation at a pre-conference workshop organized by Wu, Y., Gweon, H. & Ong, D.] Cogntive Science Society, Vienna, Austria. (online conference). https://affcog.github.io/
Dukes, D., Van Herwegen, J., Meuleman, B., Tran., M., & Samson, A. C., (2021, July 6-8). Evaluating anxiety in the parents of individuals with Neurodevelopmental Disorders during the early months of COVID-19: An international study. [Part of a symposium organised by D. Dukes, J. Van Herwegen, & A. C. Samson.] International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD), Amsterdam, Netherlands, (online conference).
Samson, A. C., Van Herwegen, J., Tran, M., Papon, A., & Dukes, D. (2021, July 6-8). Emotion Regulation in the COVID-19 pandemic in individuals with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. [Part of a symposium organised by D. Dukes, J. Van Herwegen, & A. C. Samson.] International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD), Amsterdam, Netherlands, (online conference).
Treichel. N., Van Herwegen, J., Dukes, D., & Samson, A. C. (2021, July 6-8). The fear of being laughed at in neurodevelopmental disorders. International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD), Amsterdam, Netherlands, (online conference).
Dukes, D. & Samson, A. C., (2021, June 3). [Invited Keynote.] Anxiety and emotion regulation in families with children with special education needs during the COVID-19 pandemic: an international study. Konferenz der Lehrenden der Geistigbehindertenpädagogike an Wissenschaflichen Hochschulen in Deutschprachigen Ländern, Hannover, Germany (online conference).
Stallmann, L., Tran, M., Dukes, D., Rudrauf, D., & Samson, A. C. (2021, April 13-16). Social emotion regulation in individuals on the autism spectrum: Assessing sensitivity to social support provided by a vurtual agent. The Virtual Confernece of the Society for Affective Sciences (SAS) (online conference).
Samson, A. C., Meuleman, B., Tran, M., Van Herwegen, J., & Dukes, D. (2021, April 13-16). Explaining the differences in COVID-19 anxiety levels of families with children with Special Education Needs. THe Virtual Conference of the Society for Affective Sciences (SAS) (online conference).
Dukes, D. (TBA). Invited talk at an interdisciplinary workshop on affective and moral development, University College Dublin, Eire, 24th April, 2020. CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC.
Dukes, D & Wharton, T. Affective Science, emotion and relevance. Invited talk at an international workshop entitled, Relevance by the Sea, University of Brighton, UK., 6 November, 2019.
Dukes, D. Appraising the affective turn: Three illustrations of affective creep in psychology. Invited talk at the Social Brain and Behaviour Club, University of Oxford, 4 November, 2019.
Zaharia, A., Noir-Kahlo, K., Bressoud, N., Sander, D., Dukes, D., & Samson, A. C. Positive Emotion Regulation Program for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, 16th Swiss Psychological Society (SPS), Bern, 9-11 September 2019.
Treichel, N., Dukes, D., Samson, A. C., The influence of cognitive, social and emotional phenotypes on the sense of humor: the case of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Williams syndrome, 16th Swiss Psychological Society (SPS), Bern, 9-11 September 2019.
Samson, A. C., Zaharia, A., Dell’Angela, L., Lobel, A., & Sander, D. The potential of board games to measure and train emotional competences in children, 16th Swiss Psychological Society (SPS), Bern, 9-11 September 2019.
Dukes, D. & Clément, F. Affective Social Learning: from individual appraisal to cultural value. Symposium organized by D. Dukes and M. Bazhydai entitled, “From behavioral to normative learning: children and great apes compared”, European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Athens, Greece, 29 August – 1 September, 2019.
Dukes, D. Affective Social Learning and the social transmission of value, Pre-conference on emotion development organized by Daniel Dukes, Andrea Samson, Carolien Rieffe and Eric Walle, International Society for Reseach in Emotion, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10-13 July 2019.
Treichel, N., Dukes, D., Samson, A. C., “Get it?” How much is our sense of humor influenced by others during the course of our development? Pre-conference on emotion development organized by Daniel Dukes, Andrea Samson, Carolien Rieffe and Eric Walle for the International Society for Reseach in Emotion, Amsterdam (NL), 10 July 2019.
Mortillaro, M. & Dukes, D. Perceiving emotions from different expressive modalities: Is there a body advantage for positive emotions. Symposium organized by M. Mortillaro & D. Dukes entitled, “The positive challenge: How studying expressions of positive affect can inform emotion theory”, International Society for Research on Emotions (ISRE) conference, Amsterdam (NL), 10-13 July 2019.
Zaharia, A., Noir-Kahlo, K., Bressoud, N., Dukes, D., & Samson, A. C. Positive Emotion Regulation Toolbox: Training and games for school-aged children and adolescents with and without developmental disorders. Workshop, The 2nd Positive Psychology Day, Swiss Positive Psychology Association (SWIPPA), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Dukes, D. How many interests are there? International Conference on “Exploring Curiosity”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. November, 2018.
Dukes, D. Affective social learning: The importance of group identification in the transmission of social value, Invited talk, International conference on “Second Person Engagement and Group Identification”, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, November, 2018.
Dukes, D. & Walle, E. No hard feelings: A naturalistic, functionalist, psychological and relational account of emotion, International conference on “Emotion and Emotion Concepts” at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Bern, Switzerland, November, 2018.
Reschke, P. Walle, E & Dukes, D. (TBA). Symposium organized by Peter Reschke and Eric Walle on “Bridging Research on Emotional Development and Social Cognition”, 21st Biennial Conference of the International Congress of Infant Studies, Philadelphia, USA, July, 2018.
Dukes, D and Clément, F. Why what matters to us, matters to us: Affective social learning as a key process for determining how we value objects and events, 48th Annual Conference of the Jean Piaget Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May, 2018.
Reschke, P. J., Walle., E. A., & Dukes, D. (2018, April). Did you mean to do that? Infants use emotional communication to infer and re-enact others’ intentions. Annual Conference of the Society for Affective Science, Los Angeles, California, April, 2018.
Symposium on Affective social learning: process, context and development, hosted by Daniel Dukes (Swiss Center for Affective Science, University of Geneva and University of Amsterdam) and featuring contributions from Christian Mumenthaler (University of Geneva), Magdalena Rychlowska (Queens University, Belfast), Brian Parkinson (University of Oxford) and Agneta Fischer (University of Amsterdam). 7th Conference by Consortium of European Researchers on Emotion, Glasgow, Scotland, April, 2018.
Dukes, D and Clément, F. Affective social learning: A conduit for the transmission of socio-cultural value. 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht, Netherlands, August, 2017.
Reschke, P., Dukes, D. and Walle, E. (delivered by Dukes, D.) Was that intentional? Infants use others’ emotional expressions to infer their goals. 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht, Netherlands, August, 2017.
Dukes, D. and Clément, F. Affective Social Learning and Emotion Appreciation. International Symposium on the Foundations of Affective Social Learning, Montezillon, Switzerland, June, 2017
Dukes, D. A psychologists confession: We are not paid to think! A reply to Tristram Oliver-Skuse, “Itchy Feet: The intentionality of boring boredom”. International Philosophy Symposium on Negative Emotion: The good, the bad and the ugly. Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland, May, 2017.
Dukes, D. Affective social learning and emotion appreciation: Structuring socio-emotional interactions. Centre of Research on Social Interaction, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, February, 2017.
Lauria, F., Dukes, D. and Clément, F. (delivered by Federico Lauria). Interest and the Affective Springs of Inquiry – The Chiaroscuro Epistemic Emotion. The 24th annual meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, St. Andrews, Scotland, August, 2016.
Dukes, D. Conflicts of Interest: Developing interest in the social world. Invited Speaker, Workshop on Epistemic Emotion, University of Berkeley, California, May, 2016.
Campos, JJ and Dukes, D. (delivered by Dukes, D.). A prolegomenon for an understanding of epistemic emotions. Invited Speaker, Workshop on Epistemic Emotion, University of Berkeley, California, May, 2016.
Dukes, D. and Clément, F. Affective Social Learning and the Role of Interest. Invited Speaker, Developmental Seminar Series, University of Berkeley, California, February, 2016.
Dukes, D and Clément, F. Affective Social Learning: Relying on others to show how we should feel. Delivered as part of the “Emotions and Appraisals in Social Decision-Making” symposium organised by Danielle Shore (Oxford) and including Erin Heerey (Bangor) and Jonathan Gratch (Southern California). The 17th annual convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, USA, January, 2016.
Dukes, D. and Clément, F. Learning from others’ emotional expressions: The role of interest in Affective Social Learning. Invited Speaker, Developmental Seminar Series, University of Merced, California, December, 2015.
Dukes, D., Mortillaro, M. and Clément, F. Expressions of Interest. The 15th European Conference on Facial Expression, Measure and Meaning, University of Geneva, Switzerland, July, 2015.
Dukes, D. Studying Interest: Theoretical and Empirical Issues. The 1st Meeting of the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences Emotional Developmental Group, Geneva, Switzerland, March, 2015.
Dukes, D and Clément, F.
Interest: An affective gateway for the transmission of culture
, Aegina Summer School “Shared Experiences: the boundaries of the social brain” organized by the Lab of Action & Body, Royal Holloway, University of London, June, 2014.
Dukes, D., Foudon, N and Clément, F. First steps towards a developmental theory of cognitive appraisal. Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Annual Review Forum CISA annual Review Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, February, 2014.
Dukes, D and Clément, F. Curiosity killed the cat: Is interest really important for non-human animals? NeuZü – meeting of labs of Klaus Züberbuhler (Neuchâtel) and Carel van Schaik (Zürich), Neuchâtel, Switzerland, November, 2013.
Dukes, D. The interesting possibility of consciousness without a cerebral cortex: an interpretation of Merker (2007). Swiss Interdisciplinary Group “Self-Consciousness and Kinds of Self” Autumn-Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, November, 2013.
Dukes, D., Foudon, N and Clément, F. Making Sense via Others: The role of interest. Swiss Psychological Society, Biannual Congress – Basel, Switzerland, September, 2013.
Dukes, D. Interest, Consciousness and the Developing (Social) Self. Swiss Interdisciplinary Group “Self-Consciousness and Kinds of Self” Spring-Workshop, Ovronnaz, Switzerland, March, 2013.
Dukes, D., Foudon, N and Clément, F. What makes interest interesting for appraisal theory? Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Annual Review Forum CISA annual Review Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, February, 2013.
Clément, F and Dukes, D..
L’ontogenèse de l’intérêt: un projet ‘en développement’. Reunion des Pédiatres du Neuchâtel – Neuchâtel, Switzerland, May, 2012.