Symposium entitled, “Rethinking theories of emotional processes: Goal-direction, relevance-detection and social orientation” co-organized with Prof. B. Parkinson (University of Oxford) at the 2024 bi-annual conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, July 17-20.

Pre-conference entitled, “A multidisciplinary investigation of affectivism” co-organized with Profs. Disa A. Sauter (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) & D. Sander (Swiss Center for Affective Sciences & University of Geneva, Switzerland) at the 2022 bi-annual conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion, July 15-18, 2022, University of Southern California, USA.
For more details: https://www.unige.ch/cisa/affectivism/isre-pre-conference

Symposium entitled, “An interdisciplinary view of Emotional Development” co-organized with Profs. A. Samson (University of Fribourg & UniDistance Suisse, Switzerland) & E. Walle (U.C. Merced) at the 2022 Society for Affective Science annual conference, March 30-April 02, virtual conference.

Symposium entitled, “Anxiety, stress and wellbeing in families and individuals with Developmental Disorders before and during COVID19: National and international perspectives” co-organized with Profs. J. Van Herwegen (UCL) & A. Samson (University of Fribourg & UniDistance Suisse, Switzerland)at the 6th conference of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 68th July, Amsterdam, virtual conference.

Symposium entitled, “Are we in the era of Affectivism” co-organized with Prof. D. Sander (Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva) at The Conference of European Research on Emotion, 5-6 June 2020, Granada, Spain. CANCELLED

Symposium entitled, “Social learning in development: Behavioural, cognitive and affective processes” Co-organized with M. Bazhydai (Lancaster) at The European Conference of Developmental Psychology, Athens, Greece, August, 2019.

Pre-conference on “Emotion Development“. Co-organized with Prof. C. Rieffe (Leiden), Prof. A. Samson (Geneva and UniDistance) and Prof. E. Walle (UC Merced) at the International Society for Research in Emotion conference,  Amsterdam, Netherlands, July, 2019.

Symposium on “Multimodal, Non-Verbal Emotion Expression“. Co-organizer with Dr. M. Mortillaro (Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Geneva), at the International Society for Research in Emotion conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July, 2019.

International Summer School in Affective Sciences on “The development of emotions”. Scientific Co-organizer with Prof. A. Samson (Geneva and UniDistance), Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Chateau de Bossey, Switzerland, July, 2018.

International and Interdisciplinary workshop on “Emotion and Relevance”. Co-organizer with Dr S. Oswald (Fribourg), The Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland, June, 2018.

Symposium on “Affective social learning“.  Organizer, the Consortium of European Researchers of Emotion conference, Glasgow, Scotland, April, 2018.

Workshop on “The Foundations of Affective Social Learning”. Co-organizer with Prof. F. Clément and M. Mari (both Neuchâtel), Montezillon, Switzerland, June, 2017.

Pre-conference entitled, “A multidisciplinary investigation of affectivism” co-organized with Profs. Disa A. Sauter (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) & D. Sander (Swiss Center for Affective Sciences & University of Geneva, Switzerland) at the 2022 bi-annual conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion, July 15-18, 2022, University of Southern California, USA.
For more details: https://www.unige.ch/cisa/affectivism/isre-pre-conference

Symposium entitled, “An interdisciplinary view of Emotional Development” co-organized with Profs. A. Samson (University of Fribourg & UniDistance Suisse, Switzerland) & E. Walle (U.C. Merced) at the 2022 Society for Affective Science annual conference, March 30-April 02, virtual conference.

Symposium entitled, “Anxiety, stress and wellbeing in families and individuals with Developmental Disorders before and during COVID19: National and international perspectives” co-organized with Profs. J. Van Herwegen (UCL) & A. Samson (University of Fribourg & UniDistance Suisse, Switzerland)at the 6th conference of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 68th July, Amsterdam, virtual conference.

Symposium entitled, “Are we in the era of Affectivism” co-organized with Prof. D. Sander (Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva) at The Conference of European Research on Emotion, 5-6 June 2020, Granada, Spain. CANCELLED

Symposium entitled, “Social learning in development: Behavioural, cognitive and affective processes” Co-organized with M. Bazhydai (Lancaster) at The European Conference of Developmental Psychology, Athens, Greece, August, 2019.

Pre-conference on “Emotion Development“. Co-organized with Prof. C. Rieffe (Leiden), Prof. A. Samson (Geneva and UniDistance) and Prof. E. Walle (UC Merced) at the International Society for Research in Emotion conference,  Amsterdam, Netherlands, July, 2019.

Symposium on “Multimodal, Non-Verbal Emotion Expression“. Co-organizer with Dr. M. Mortillaro (Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Geneva), at the International Society for Research in Emotion conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July, 2019.

International Summer School in Affective Sciences on “The development of emotions”. Scientific Co-organizer with Prof. A. Samson (Geneva and UniDistance), Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Chateau de Bossey, Switzerland, July, 2018.

International and Interdisciplinary workshop on “Emotion and Relevance”. Co-organizer with Dr S. Oswald (Fribourg), The Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland, June, 2018.

Symposium on “Affective social learning“.  Organizer, the Consortium of European Researchers of Emotion conference, Glasgow, Scotland, April, 2018.

Workshop on “The Foundations of Affective Social Learning”. Co-organizer with Prof. F. Clément and M. Mari (both Neuchâtel), Montezillon, Switzerland, June, 2017.